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Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

Sexualität muß sich selbst Zweck sein (5)

Fortsetzung von Teil 4

The other kind of half is the man whom people call practical, the man who despises principles, abstractions, art, philosophy and his own mind. He regards the acquisition of material objects as the only goal of existence - and he laughs at the need to consider their purpose or their source. He expects them to give him pleasure - and he wonders why the more he gets, the less he feels. 

He is the man who spends his time chasing women. Observe the triple fraud which he perpetrates upon himself. He will not acknowledge his need of self-esteem, since he scoffs at such a concept as moral values; yet he feels the profound self-contempt which comes from believing that he is a piece of meat.

He will not acknowledge, about he knows that sex is the physical expression of a tribute to personal values. So he tries, by going through the motions of the effect, to acquire that which should have been the cause. He tries to gain a sense of his own value from the women who surrender to him - and he forgets that the women he picks have neither character nor judgement nor standard of value. 

He tells himself that all he's after is physical pleasure - but observe that he tires of his women in a week or a night, that he despises professional whores and that he loves to imagine he is seducing virtuous girls who make a great exception for his sake. It is the feeling of achievement that he seeks and never finds. What glory can there be in the conquest of a mindless body?

Ayn Rand, in "Atlas shrugged"
